Saturday, January 22, 2011

No, not yet!

Saturday the 22nd:


It is 5.3 degree's outside, warmed up from the 3.0 degree's it was when I got up this morning, and the 0.5 degree low of the overnight temperatures.

The inspector that issues the occupancy permit came yesterday and we did not pass, there are two things that need fixed.  The outlet covers in the appliance garages and behind the microwave have to be changed, my understanding is that they can't be flush against the wall.  That's an easy fix.  The second issue is that our furnace is too big for the size of the room that it is in- by about 3".  Apparently, when the furnace comes on it sucks air from around it to ignite, the area around it has to meet size requirements based on the size of the furnace.  If the hall wall in that room was out 3" more the room would meet the size requirements.  There are several options to fix that problem, the one that was chosen is to cut two holes in the hall wall, one at floor level, one at ceiling level, and cover them with registers.  So, when the furnace comes on, it can suck air in from the hallway too. 

While we can't occupy the house yet, I am starting to move things in...TODAY!

As soon as my coffee cup is empty, I'm going to go put a shine on the master bedroom floor.  When that's dry I'll have Chris help me set up the bed (Rod's at work), then he's going to make numerous trips from garage to house carrying all the boxes with my office supplies in them.

The first of many busy days ahead... 


  1. The picture with the snow on your house makes it look all the cozier !! I bet you can't wait to snuggle in !
