Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Concrete and glass blocks.

Tuesday the 4th:

This morning about 7:30-ish the truck with the concrete pumper arrived, the concrete guys hooked the line up.  It went from the pump, around the front of the house to the side where the door to the crawl space is at. Three cement trucks came throughout the morning, it was all over around 2:00. I did not take a picture of the crawl space before, during, or after...  I did take pictures of the guys getting ready to pump the concrete to the crawl space.

                        setting up the line that will pump the concrete to the crawl space.

                                     The concrete truck dumping concrete into the pumper.

Lou Bruno and Joe, from Glass Block Specialties came today to start on the shower wall in the master bath.
                             Lou is on the left, Joe on the right.
This is how far they went today, they have to let the mortar dry before they put any more blocks on. I think they're at the row where a few colored blocks will go in.  When the wall is done the shower tile will be finished up to the glass block, then the shower tiles and the glass block will be grouted.

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