Thursday, December 30, 2010

A spring, a wedding, and the end of the year....

December 30th:
 On Christmas Eve day Chris Fuller called to tell us about a problem with the house...a high humidity level was noted when it was time to start laying wood flooring that brought floor installation to a screeching halt. An investigation found that there was an underground spring under the house, we have a crawl space under our house with a gravel floor, which we opted for to save money- gravel is cheaper than concrete. Now a concrete floor will have to be poured, Chris has the area ready for the concrete, the trucks will be here next week.

Christmas Day arrived with me all stuffed up and feeling lousy.  I took some cold medicine, I should have known better, because I can't handle cold medicine...soon I was sound asleep for several hours...I even slept through Chris trying out his new amplifier.  I woke up, made dinner, did laundry, and finished getting ready to drive to Columbus, Ohio the next morning to my nephew John's wedding on the 27th.

This is what I quilled for John and his wife- to- be, Katie.  It is all paper except the veil and the pearls.  I attached the card and the real gift to the bottom...see the birds in the tree behind the groom, they are holding a heart. 

Sunday morning, December 26th, Chris and I head for Columbus..Rod stayed home to go to work and look after the pets, since we'll be gone for two nights. Chris and I arrived in Columbus, I'm feeling better, we attended the wedding the next afternoon, and left for home Tuesday morning.  No one is here when we got home, I went to the house and saw the tile on the floor of the master bath had been grouted.  I was gone all day Wednesday running errands, I don't think anyone worked on the house on Wednesday.

Thursday- today- the office cabinets arrived and Chris installed them.. On the left, under the window is where the desktop and the computer will be.  On the right where the pieces of wood are leaning against the wall is where a 4' long foot work table will be.

Also arriving today was the cabinet for the master bathroom, Rich installed that and the master bath baseboards, which Chris is pointing out in the second picture below.

Next week will be a big one, probably will have lots of pictures to post. 

The cement truck will be here on Tuesday I think, after a few days of curing Chris hopes the humidity level will drop down where it should be and the flooring can start again.

The last of the trim will arrive, which is the arches for the windows in the living area, and hopefully the mantle too.

The glass block guy is supposed to be here on Tuesday to install a glass block wall in the master bathroom shower.

The furniture is scheduled to be delivered on Wednesday, it will have to be stored in the garage until the floors are done.

The kitchen countertops will also be installed next week, and I suppose the office countertop measurements will be taken. 

That's a lot in a week.
I can hardly wait.

1 comment:

  1. Wow....we have been anxiously awaiting your next up-date. Do you think you possibly could get anymore into next week ?? ( Just kiddin!) John and Katies gift topper is sooo cute...I know that must have taken many, many hours !! I don't know how you come up with that that time...especially now ! It's gotta be LOVE ! Hopefully you are experiencing a break in the weather as we are...We are continuing to lift you guys up in prayer ! God is Good!
