Tuesday, November 30, 2010


November 30th:

Not much to report, and nothing to take a picture of...the painting is being finished and light switches getting installed.  Yesterday Chris Fuller and I had a discussion involving closet shelving and what I wanted done with that, and I realized there are still two places to buy light fixtures for, the master bedroom closet and the sconces over the mantel.

Ryan Herschberger, the guy that's milling the wood for the trim, called today to say he'd start bringing things over on Friday the 3rd, as he got them finished.  Inside doors and casings will be first.

The flooring will probably be started next week with the tile work being the first thing that contractor will do.

I'm waiting to hear from the glass block guy who will be installing a wall in the master bathroom.

In the meantime I'm trying to juggle finances to include the the normal monthly bills, the added expense of the new house items that don't fall into any category on the spec. sheet, a wedding, and the holidays... 

I just finished putting together a budget for the last month of 2010, and now I have to make phone calls to take care of some business- a job I hate!  Then I'll be free to finish decorating the Christmas tree, the only decorating I plan to do this year...The rest of the week I'll be butchering the two deer that Chris shot yesterday, and canning,freezing,and drying the meat.

I'll post again when I have some pictures to add!

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