Thursday, November 18, 2010

I think I'm losing it...

November 18th:
The time between rising and bedtime goes by in a flash..I do so much in one day that I can't even remember everything that I did.  Multi-tasking is a must...
This week:
flooring choices- finalized!
Trim stain color- finalized! 
Toilets chosen and ordered!
Umm..I did so many other things, but... can't remember what they were at this moment!

The maintainence required light came on in my van a few days ago and I realized that an oil change was almost 2000 miles overdue...ooops!
Wednesday I went to get doughnuts for the builders, while passing a service station I saw a sign that had the words "Inspection Due" on it.  I had such a feeling come over me, my eyes slowly looked to the left at the inspection sticker on my windshield, and I saw the date 10/10...oh man, I've been driving around with expired inspection for 3 weeks!  Getting an appointment at the Toyota service department is like trying to get an appointment with a doctor/specialist.  I groveled, I begged, I made myself out to be an air-head, a ninny (that's for you Deb!), and got an appointment at the crack of dawn five days the meantime I'll only travel under the cover of darkness, maybe I can avoid getting a fine..

The furnace and duct work are installed, and so is the central vac.  All outside work is done except building the stairs.  The cement guy who will pour the sidewalk is supposed to come tomorrow.  The ceilings were textured today, they look great!  The propane tank was delivered today but it's so muddy that they didn't set it up, they said they'd try next week. Tomorrow the garage door gets installed. Next week they hope to get all the interior painting done.  Then the holiday will slow things down a bit.  I've heard talk about installing shelving, then the interior doors and trim should be ready to install.  Then the kitchen cabinets should be "in" and ready to be installed too.  The appliances are already "in" and waiting to be delivered.  That's all supposed to happen this month?!?!

These are the only pictures I have to show you right now.
Sam and his crew, they are the drywallers (is that a word?) really nice guy. 

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