Monday, November 15, 2010

Toilets, toilets, toilets...

I would never have thought there could be so much to consider when selecting a toilet..

There are toilets that fit into a corner,
there are toilets that hang on the wall. 
There are toilets that are low profile,
or toilets with no tank at all.

Okay, okay I'm not going to turn this whole post into a Dr. Seuss moment, but I'm telling you...there's a lot to consider.  And the cost of a toilet can get pretty crazy, I've seen some that were $3000.00 and more.  Kind of silly when you consider what you're going to use it for...

It seems that I haven't made any decisions for this house without first doing a lot of research and reading those online reviews, why would toilets be any different?  After reading any reviews on toilets that I could find I realized that the style of the toilet meant nothing to me compared to how environmentally friendly they are and the amount of water that it uses to flush..

The terms "dual flush" and "water sense" are now part of my vocabulary, potty mouth you might say... a toilet that would be great, but I can't afford is made by Caroma, called the Sydney Smart 270 Dual Flush Toilet.  This toilet can save 1,000 gallons of water per person a year compared to regular flushing toilets!  Caroma even makes a toilet that has a faucet and sink built into the top of the tank, when you flush the toilet "fresh, clean" water comes out the faucet and you wash your hands with it.  That water then goes into the tank where it's stored for the next flush!!  Someone had their thinking cap on with that one!

So, choose a toilet lady!  As the saying goes- in so many words- and seems so fitting at this moment, make a choice or get off the pot!

God has provided good weather for the guys to do the outside work, and I think that things have moved along fairly smoothly as construction jobs go, but I wonder if the guys are all tired of the commute here and if the fun wore off some time ago!  They would never admit to that, they are all very polite to me and never complain... 
And me???  I'm tired of shopping and spending money...

Stop laughing!

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