Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How quickly things can change..

October 13th

I haven't been able to upload pictures for quite a few days, and what's a post without pictures? So, I didn't post at all.  Magically, uploading is working again, so I've added a picture to my last post on 10/7, and will combine what would have been two posts in one, so several pictures in this post are from the last few days...
The guys who poured the garage floor came a day early, how often do you hear that in construction?  So, the floor was done on Friday the 8th.

Monday the 10th, six framers in five pick up trucks, Chris Fuller in his truck, and two delivery trucks-one a semi, arrive all at once.  A quiet morning can change so quickly!

 A few hours later the trucks are gone, the framing crew is set up and have started working!  By the end of their first day the floor was on!

By the way, that block contraption is not a chimney, that will be a support for the roof.

By lunchtime of the second day-yesterday- there's this much done, framing the garage...

By the end of the second day there's this much done....

This view is of the living area with the garage in the background, the opening in the garage will be the door where we'll enter the breezeway front entrance from the garage.  That little dark door in the blocks is the door to the crawl space.

Brave little Harley in the crawl space.

Harley and I crawled to the top of a massive dirt pile to take this picture, and Socks joined us after leaping off the edge of the house.  In this picture you can see that they are starting to lay out the rooms, Socks is standing in the master bedroom, the 1st square behind her is the M.B. closet, the next square is the utility room, then a hallway that will lead to Chris's room, on the other side of the hallway is the 2nd bathroom.  The dividing board between the utility room and the M.B. closet the wall will also be where the wall that divides the two bedrooms will be.  On the other side of the block column, where the hallway is, you can see one side of what will be one kitchen wall, the kitchen will be the same width as the utility room and the M.B. closet. and will be in a sort of "U" shape.  There will also be a hallway leading to the master bedroom on the other side of the kitchen, with some of that space as an office, a closet, a door to the outside and the space that the woodstove will be in.  That's probably hard to envision, but I'll probably have pictures of that in the next few days!
The walls to the rooms should all be built by the end of the week, and I believe that the walls of the house are arriving by semi truck right now.
In the background you can see the canopy/tarp work area I've been re-finishing furniture in.  I haven't been out today yet, it's not quite 40 degree's outside so I've been working on other things inside.  Tomorrow I go to see a kitchen cabinet builder, so I'm making sure that I have all my drawings in order.  I have two pieces left to re-finish, and yesterday afternoon my sander broke... So, I have poly'd the one piece that was sanded and will have to buy a new sander tonight after I drop the kids off at church for Youth Group.  I'm busy tomorrow, as I've already mentioned, but hope to be done with furniture re-finishing by the end of the day on Friday! Then the canopy will come down this week end, and I'll be very, very happy for that.  I still have lots of chairs to refinish, but plan to do those nxt spring here in the garage.  By then the horror of re-finishing should not be so fresh in my memory....

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