Thursday, October 28, 2010

Busy, busy...

October 27th:

So busy around here, people scurrying about...making lots of noise, and...just being my yard...Of course I knew it would be like this, and of course I know it's absolutely necessary, after all, I don't expect magical creatures to appear and silently build our house. 
I've been spending countless hours online shopping for lighting, bathroom fixtures, appliances, and window treatments...I'm just sure that there's a better deal out there somewhere, and I have found some really great things that I would never have got in my local stores.  But, this online shopping is so time consuming because there are so many stores to shop in, and I'm running out of time!!  On Tuesday Chris asked me for the shower fixtures (my responsibility), and I had to say that I hadn't bought them yet, I've been spending all my time shopping for lighting.  Since the drywall guy is coming soon Chris needs to do the plumbing, I have the bathroom sinks and faucets purchased, but he doesn't need those yet... so I had to drop what I was doing and run off to Erie to get what he did need, and I ended up paying way more than I wanted to pay to get what I wanted for the master bath shower....
The lesson I have learned is that sometimes you just need to accept what's being offered.  My constant quest for the best bargain I can find has made me fall behind on other duties, which just adds to my high anxiety...
So, I'm making purchases and moving on ....

October 28th:

Wow...quiet here today!  No compressor running right outside my door, I can actually hear the wind chimes!  The roof appears to be finished, so just Chris and his crew are here.  To bad, today is windy and cold, and I know that Chris would like to get the house sealed up so they don't have those blustery winds constantly blowing through the house.
The way the house is positioned, and with all those windows, is perfect for catching the breeze...I doubt that we will have to use the air conditioning very often!
Gotta go...this morning I'm going to try to clean up some of the mud that gets dragged into the house!

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