Saturday, October 16, 2010

Five days with the framer's.(sounds like a song title!)

October 15th:

Amazing what these guys have acomplished in five days, I couldn't be more pleased with them.  Not only are they hard, skilled workers, but they're also really nice guys!  The following pictures will show the fnished trusses and the beginning of the plywood sheeting going on.  The whole roof project has been nerve racking for me, especially when very strong wind gusts began yesterday afternoon and those guys were up there so high. 

see the smiley face?

The wind presented a big problem for me in my furniture re-finishing canopy when around 3:15 I observed the whole canopy slide about 1' across the ground.  I had just finished sanding the last piece to refinish and was getting ready to put the first coat of polyurethane on it, I was just standing there, brush in hand, thinking about how windy it had become when I saw the canopy move.  The tarps on the sides of the canopy were catching the wind, so I raced around taking those down first, then moved everything I could move alone out of there so that when Chris came home from school he could help me lower the canopy by removing the legs. We did get the canopy lowered, but not without a few mishaps, the worse one being... Aargh.. I said I was going to let it go---deep breath---- let's just say that the antique Birds Eye Maple dresser no longer has a mirror--- I won't say how that came about, because I'm trying to--let.. it.. go.. While picking up all the broken glass, I noticed that the dresser was made in that a bright side?... sigh ... 

Good thing I'm short! Under there is the last piece to be finished, then I'll clean the canopy and tomorrow when Rod is home, we'll take it down and pack 'er away!  Can't wait!

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