Thursday, February 24, 2011

What's been happening? Not much!

People are asking why I haven't posted in awhile...the short answer is - nothing is happening!  On Tuesday the 22nd it was one month that we've officially lived here, the photo ops are pretty much over.  Chris Fuller has been coming back now and again when I notice small things that need repaired, there's a small persistent leak in the 2nd bath shower that refuses to stay "fixed".  And amazingly, there's even been a few things that have broken and had to be replaced. 

There are a lot of things I think of now that we've lived here for awhile that I wish I had done differently, for example: I wish I would not have had the outlets in the living area installed under the windows, since the lamps are on tables in between the windows and the cords are visible stretching to the outlets. 

A week ago I sealed all the tile floors, which left them with a soft gloss that looked so lovely.  Yesterday I mopped all the floors, using good old Murphy's Oil Soap.  When the tile floors dried they had a white scummy look that seems to be the finish that I applied last week coming off!!  I was very sad.  The container says the product should be used in dry areas, I took that to mean it can't be used on the shower tiles, I did not think I wouldn't be able to clean any tiles it had been applied to.  So, back to the hardware store I go for something waterproof and I'll have to do the tiles all over again...oh my poor knees...

Our cat Daxter has finally come to the new house to find us, must of wondered where we were at these past few weeks.  We left the cats and Annabelle at the garage and just feed and water them every day, we do feel bad because they no longer have family activity around them.  Gabby and Tiny are still at the garage with Annabelle, but use the cat door to venture outside whenever they want to.  Annabelle comes to visit on nice days and lays on a blanket in the garage, she does not come in because she can no longer go up and down stairs, she is now 14 years old.  Daxter being here at the house has caused anxious moments for Harley who thinks of himself as the one and only.  But Daxter is the same size as Harley, and doesn't back down when Harley charges at him.  So, they sit and stare at one another, and the only time there's a problem is when I sit down and they both want to sit on my lap.

I was in Home Depot for something one day and stumbled into something else, a really great sale on window blinds, no interest for a year, and only $118 to have the windows measured and the blinds installed in the whole house!!  Eric, the blind guy (nooo, not the guy who is sightless...) was a nice young man, and we now have blinds on our windows.  After all my searching for the right shade of green in top down, bottom up, cellular shades, I ended up choosing a shade of white.  I was afraid of getting too much green in the living area, plus I would be stuck with the color green forever...this way I can change the wall color to whatever I want.

I'll post a few more pictures in this blog, then I will sign off for a few months.  There just won't be anything happening worth photographing until sometime in the spring when the outside work can begin.  That will be a huge job that no one except me is looking forward to, I can't wait to get my hands on the landscaping project.  Plus, I have an area picked out for a vegetable garden!  I've mentioned this to Rod and Chris, but they pretend they can't hear me... they want the end result, without all the work that's involved in growing the food...

Talk to you again in a couple of months!

2/17/11  Today the temps were well into the 50's, notice the garage windows are open?  I moved everything out of the garage and hosed the floors clean, leaving the windows open so it could dry.  Chris is uncovering the sidewalk leading to the front door, the sidewalks had been covered with straw and plastic (and dirt and snow) all winter.  With a clean garage floor, and the sidewalk cleaned off, I hope to have less dirt coming into the house.  Chris is so strong, he made short work of this job!  I had struggled with it a little, but the plastic was so heavy with the weight of the dirt and snow on top of it, so I left that job for the stronger ones in the family..

Eric The Installer...sounds like a super hero name.  There are six windows in this room, each one with two double hung windows, that's twelve took Eric under an hour to do the whole house, not just this room...because he's...Eric- the installerrrr....

This is Daxter, doing something that Harley can't do, sitting on a window,na,na,na,naaa...

Harley washing his leg, he got onto the sofa using the stool technique that Uncle Bob taught him.  I was taking pictures of the blinds but posted this one because I saw that I had captured Harley taking his morning wash...and the next picture because he's caught in mid air while getting off the sofa.

Harley had to end his bath and get down because he heard Daxter jumping down from the windowsill.  Harley will now attempt to intimidate Daxter...  I hope you're also noticing the top down bottom up cellular shades in these pictures, since that was the reason I was taking pictures.  The patio door also has a cellular shade, a vertical shade, although the sales person informed me I could have a horizontal shade on that too.  I just couldn't imagine why I would want a horizontal shade on sliding glass doors... I do not have valances on the window blinds yet, they were so expensive, and I saw a website that shows a person how to make their own valances..hmmm, I wonder if I could do it....

Attempting intimidation...

And finally, one more sunset post, this one from the 17th of this month.  I told Rod that I was going to stop taking pictures of sunsets until he gets the rest of the trees cut down...


  1. thank you thank you thank you for the update and pics. Although, I feel like I could cry that this may be the last one. Your fan base wants you to continue! We love this and it has become part of our routine to check on the "Crouse House"! Everything looks so beautiful. Thank you for taking the time all these months to share with us. God bless you and your family. XOXO

  2. Love it love it love it love it!!!!!
