Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The sun sets on a crazy day!

Tuesday the 8th:

7:00 a.m.

Chris missed the bus...

I have to take him to school, but I got the van stuck in the driveway while backing up and I got over to close to the edge of the driveway, got into a snowbank and onto the ice underneath the snow. Chris and I tried and tried to get out, my back is killin' me, we give up..

Around 10:00 it occurs to me to pour hot water on the ice, three buckets of hot water later we're on our way to school...

When I returned I went to the little farmhouse to get some things that I want from there, and I got stuck in that driveway!!  I got out of that in about 2 minutes, then left and went home, without even going inside!  I'll wait for Rod and his 4WD truck...

I spent the rest of the day in the old place, gathering up "stuff" that we need the most right now (picture Steve Martin in "The Jerk", "I need this, I need this..").  I had a lot of stuff gathered up, so instead of using "Old Blue"- the plastic sled I've been using to move stuff, I loaded the van, then backed into the garage and unloaded into the house. Chris came home from school and helped me, he's so strong!  When I pick something up I groan and strain, Chris just takes it from me and carries it with no effort..  Rod and Chris moved a lot of furniture related things for me tonight ...AFTER Rod blew the snow out of the driveway!  :-)

I've been dealing with lower back pain for a week and a half, it was REALLY bad at first, but I was feeling much better this morning, After shoveling, carrying buckets of hot water, and then carrying all that stuff to move...I bet I'll be in pain tomorrow!

Then, the sun set, and I got to see what I wanted most from this house...sunsets, the moon and stars.. without having to go outside to see them!

The sun is setting..




1 comment:

  1. Beautiful !!

    It seems as we grow older and continue to "lift and bend" we feel it in our lower back. Crist and I have both felt this...Him more than me, but everynight when it is severe..He soaks in Epson Salts and when we go to bed, we claim Jesus's healing and in the morning, we are good to go again ! Praise God!
