Thursday, September 16, 2010

Pictures? With a little luck...

July; This is where Rod started cutting trees.

Another view of the same area,you can see a little bit of the garage on the right, and the cut wood starting to pile up on the left.

Frank Tipping helped Rod out one Saturday morning.

Foreground; Motorized wagon that moved the wood and saved our backs.
Middle; Area where house will be built.
Background; Doomed trees.

Chris and Rod...lumberjacks...

My job..dragging and burning the branches.

Sept 15th;
 Barely visible n the grass is an outline of the house in orange paint that our contractor Chris Fuller did so the excavator knows where to dig.
Upper left and right are some trees and shrubs I'm moving and storing temporarily until next year when the house is finished and I'll use them in the landscape. 
Beyond that you can see the doomed trees are now gone, at that point the drainage swath will head off into the woods, taking water around the yard and house.
Middle left, burn area in photo above where I was burning branches.

Among my other jobs, I'm also re-finishing furniture for the new house.
I've set up the Family Reunion canopy, added tarps for walls, and that is my work area.
I sure hope the weather holds out until I get it all done!

The upside down table is Rod's grandparents kitchen table.
I had tried to strip it about 25 yrs. ago and gave up when
I got to the legs.I'm determined to use this table in our house!
The chairs I've bought from antique and thrift
stores in 3 different counties! I didn't want them to match, some
need a lot more work than others!

More chairs to re-finish,after removing the seats and trying to strip the finish on these 5 chairs I ended up taking them to an antique re finisher. He'll strip them and make new seats, I'll sand and finish them. There are 3 more chairs in storage to re-finish, as well as a buffet and a dresser that will be used in the bathrooms as vanities, Also a hutch to re-finish and will be used in the master bath for towels, etc.

I'll add more pics.and video's later that I took using my new camcorder...
as soon as I figure out where they're at on my computer!
Please excuse the positioning of these pics,I had an amazingly difficult time getting them in order, let alone spacing them nicely..

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