Monday, September 20, 2010

Getting there..

Yesterday afternoon the excavating equipment arrived, so I guess the work actually will begin this week!  That means, despite the fact that I've been sick, I have to finish moving any plants/bulbs/shrubs that I want to save!  Those daffodil bulbs are hard to locate when there's nothing above ground indicating where they's like digging for un-marked treasure! Because of feeling weak and dizzy, I'll have to be content with "starts", I can't move everything, but if I have a "start" from each plant to save then I can start over next year.. I've been using my vegetable garden to store everything in that I've dug up so far.  Rod cut two more trees down this week end, he has to get those cut up and out of the yard, then he has to move other stuff out of the way for construction - little things - like taking down the clothesline and poles...
It's hard to believe that we're almost at the beginning stage!

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