Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The beginning...

I've never been one to eagerly explore every new technological device that comes along, I only care about what I really need to know about.  I'm sure that I'm even unaware of all that's available, maybe learning about it after it's been around for awhile.... like Blogging.

I couldn't imagine sitting here at my desk typing away about any thoughts I may have, or that anyone might actually be interested in reading what I think.  But,with the construction of our new house about to begin very soon,I have been trying to think of a way to stay up to date with family and friends who have asked me to "keep them posted" on the progress.  "Posted"?  I guess Blogging would be a very quick and easy (as soon as I get it all figured out) way to do that.

In a few weeks I hope to be able to "post" that we have broke ground on the new Crouse House...and maybe by then I'll have figured out how to add pictures!?     

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